The definition of ecotourism and sustainable travel goes beyond sightseeing and simply visiting natural attractions, ecotourism encompasses nature-based activities aimed at preserving our majestic wildlife, conserving Earth's natural landscapes, and uplifting local communities. We're talking about conscious travel experiences that are carefully crafted to tick all the boxes: ecological, economic, and social sustainability. It’s all about giving back by promoting and safeguarding our natural wonders and local communities while ensuring all your travel dreams come true.
Why is ecotourism important?
Ecotourism is all about creating harmony between traveler's aspirations, and a conscious and responsible approach to exploring our world. By doing this we can help to secure our wild spaces, wildlife and unique cultures for future generations to enjoy. Go beyond traditional tourism by choosing accommodations and destinations that prioritize leaving a positive impact when you travel. At Mahlatini, this is our mission, and that's why we place our sustainability ethos at the core of everything we do.
What are the best ecotourism destinations in Africa?
Africa boasts many luxury ecotourism destinations and properties that are making a genuine impact. From dedicated conservation efforts safeguarding South Africa's endangered rhino populations, to the protection of Rwanda's precious gorilla families, these destinations leverage the power of responsible travel to protect our planet's most vulnerable yet awe-inspiring inhabitants. If you’re a conscious traveler looking for sustainable travel options in wild areas that conserve the environment while sustaining the well-being of local people, then explore our Top Destinations for Ecotourism.