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Product Co-ordinator

Karen Eagar

With having so many fond childhood memories of her family travelling locally within South Africa at least twice a year to visit extended family or to take a road trip for the school holidays, travel has always played a big part in Karen's life. So when it came to having to decide what she wanted to do after graduating it was a very natural decision to study travel and tourism!

Karen profile
Favourite Safari Animal Icon

Favourite Safari Animal

"The hyena , with their well know "laughter" it is said the hyena has a great sense of humour, this coupled with their rather unusual looks makes them a particularly interesting animal to watch."

Sundowner Of Choice Icon

Sundowner Of Choice

"One for red wine lovers, my sundowner of choice would be Warwick Wine Estates’ Iconic First Lady, Cabernet Sauvignon. Teamed with a sunset, it's practically therapeutic."

Favourite Property Icon

Favourite Property

"For me, it has to be Thornybush Saseka Tented Camp. Located on the banks of a dry riverbed this tented camp is as remarkable as its setting. I've loved every minute I spent there. "

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Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

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