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98% Client Satisfaction Rating
98% Client Satisfaction Rating
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Client Reviews

Holiday to Malawi

David & Jacqueline Scott, 15th June 2015
Overall Rating:

Everything went according to plan. Travel operators were well organised and attentive. Ground transport arrived on time and the driver (Francis) was friendly and a very competent defensive driver.

Countries Visited


“It's hard to see how you can give a score to impressions of Malawi - it's such a multi-factored things. A brief visit inevitably provides a superficial impression. What is memorable are the people and their contrasting circumstances and the landscape.”

Accommodation Visited

Mvuu Lodge

“The accommodation and Mvuu Lodge is very good but the setting is what makes the greatest impression. The broad view over the Shire River of landscape and wildlife is wonderful. There was plenty to see in the various driving & walking safaris - the boating safaris were particularly memorable with an abundance of hippos, crocodiles and elephants.”

Mkulumadzi Lodge

“The Mkulumadzi Lodge setting is spectacular and the accommodation quite luxurious. Compared to Liwonde National Park (Mvuu Lodge) the wildlife in the Majete National Park seemed to be less abundant - particularly for the night drives.”

Staff Review

“Claire was very helpful in accommodating my continually changing timetable - I particularly appreciated her rapid and friendly response to all my questions.”

Kathryn meet the team profile picture

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