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98% Client Satisfaction Rating
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Client Reviews

vacation to Kenya & Seychelles

Jessica Wayland, 23rd August 2023
Overall Rating:

Absolutely the best thing we could have asked for. Perfect combo with the safari and then the island ending. Governors Il Moran Camp services were the best we have seen!

Accommodation Visited

Tamarind Tree Hotel

“Great stop to start your trip, food was good, was a quick ride from the airport. It was great to have modern & clean rooms right when you arrive. I was unsure of my first impressions of Nairobi and this helped reassure us!”

Governors' Il Moran Camp

“The guides were so good for us. They were able to show us everything and they really knew what they were talking about. The camp staff also blew us out of the water. The best part of the trip hands down, could not be more happier with this experience.”

Hemingways Eden

“Cool spot and it was beautiful, but this was our least favorite of the places (but it was a hard list). Certainly a change of pace from getting back from safari. If I could change one thing I think I would almost go back to Tamarind. I was exhausted to see the giraffes and had just seen them in the wild!”

STORY Seychelles

“Great way to end the trip. The food was good and having a suite really separated us, which made it worth it. I loved the excursions we planned and the Mahe Island location we were at. It rained half the time and we still really enjoyed it!”

Staff Review

“Caroline was great, she took care of so many little things and it all went smoothly. We had one hiccup in Nairobi airport because our documents from the Seychelles were on my work email and they locked me out of it trying to log in from Kenya. So we had to expedite the documents from Seychelles to make our flight. She had clearly told me to have these ready, and I should have printed them out, but I didn't expect to be locked out of my email!”

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