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Working side-by-side

Our Community Charity Partners

Our Charity Partner


"We are extremely grateful for the love and support from Mahlatini, and for their generous investment in community projects that truly improve people’s lives. Through the support of Moya we Khaya "Spirit Of Home" Urban Micro Farm, Mahlatini is investing in our nation's food security, while Zama Dance School provides children with life-changing skills, confidence and a vision for their future."

James Fernie, Founding Director of Uthando (Love) South Africa.
Supporting communities


Mahlatini travel wallets made by The Joinery
Our Charity Partner


"Pack for a Purpose is delighted to be a long-established partner with Mahlatini. Our partnership allows us to grow the number of Pack for a Purpose travelers who make a positive impact in the African communities they visit. We are delighted to provide Mahlatini's clients with the information they need to make their life's great journeys even more meaningful."

Rebecca Rothney, Founder and Chairperson, Pack for a Purpose.
Watch our explainer video to learn how you can 'Pack for a purpose'

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